“What advice do you have for client facing advisor candidates looking to join a practice as an employee to a relationship management/segmented lead advisor role?”
Eddy Ricci, Jr., CFP ®, CEPA ®: This may seem backwards, but a relationship management/lead advisor candidate needs to help the employer get crystal clear on time and energy allocation (and RESULTS) while they are interviewing to ensure both parties are on the same page if it isn’t spelled out. “Meet with existing clients”/ “find new planning opportunities in the book” / “gain referrals from within the book” “potentially find new client opportunities by own means” / “prepare and update plans for clients” are all common responsibilities that could be merged into the role. The best candidates will ask what is the percentage of TIME and what the DESIRED RESULTS are in each function?
Michael P. Connaughton, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®: As a lead/teamed advisor make sure to do the research! A firm’s website, social profile, bio, or featured publication will provide vital information that is crucial for an interview. Gathering information around the practice, learning how it originated, researching the client service model and target market, and knowing the details around a firm’s value proposition demonstrates a candidate took the time to understand the firm’s mission and shows an appreciation of the work it has taken to build a trusted brand. Then coming prepared with questions centered around client acquisition, the role and responsibilities and a knowledge of how they have built trusted client relationships will distinguish you from other candidates interested in joining the firm.