Biggest pet peeves from wealth management firms when interviewing candidates:
Eddy Ricci, Jr., CFP ®, CEPA ®: No thank you emails after the interview! Many clients are disturbed by the lack of thank you emails after an interview. If you write one, make sure you double check for grammar! I saw a candidate that was going to get an offer get denied a job because of a typo/misspelling in a thank you email!
Michael P. Connaughton, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®: I’ve heard many clients voice that they wished candidates would have conducted deeper research prior to their initial interview. Firm owners appreciate when candidates ask specific questions around their practice that demonstrates they have done their due diligence. Often on firm websites you can find details around firm history, planning process, client service model, awards and recognition along with much more, so a candidate coming prepared to ask a few questions from their firm research will help them stand out.