Professional Profiles

Career Changer Recruiting Resources for Financial Planning Firms


To help give financial planning recruiters and leaders another tool to recruit talent to their firm.   PROFESSIONAL PROFILES is a monthly report on a profession that could have transitional traits to being a financial advisor along with a spreadsheet of LinkedIn profiles in your local market.  We provide research, language and a “clickable” list of passive candidates to view their profile and potentially send a message. 


This tool gives the leadership and recruiting team an additional resource to reach out to passive candidates in your market. In addition to warm referrals and spending time on incoming internet job boards of people “looking for a job”, this creates an opportunity to connect with passive candidates to educate them on the career offering.


A report & contact list, customized for your market will be sent monthly.


Professional Profiles can best be used when the leadership/recruiting team first reviews the report to understand the stats, trends and discontent on the targeted industry. Second, the team should break up the list of LinkedIn profiles that is given into daily or weekly message commitments for each team member. For example, each team member sends 20 messages per week to the contacts assigned to them.

Sample of LinkedIn Profile List


Professional Profiles

per month


You will receive a customized report for your local market each month for a targeted profession.

You will receive a list of professionals in your area with clickable links to their LinkedIn Profile

Reach Out!

Professional Profiles Plus

per month


Professional Profiles Package is included +
Monthly “Strictly Recruiting” Webinar – Team Access
See “Strictly Recruiting” Topics
Reach Out!


per month


Professional Profiles Plus package +
Customized Quarterly Recruiting Training for your team.

Unlimited email access for questions on candidate experience and language for your team.



“Strictly Recruiting” will be conducted by Eddy Ricci, CFP & Michael Connaughton, CFP ®, founding partners of Lead- Advisor. Both Eddy and Michael have spent 15 years in the financial advice space with at least 10 years each in management roles. Today, they continue to be on the front lines actively recruiting advisors- whether inexperienced career changes, firm leaders or experienced producers for various organizations. The content will be from both creative thought, up to date research AND being on the front lines of keeping 100+ interviews each, per month.