Home » “GROWTH” Is the Number One Reason Why Candidates, In All Fields, Are Looking to Make a Change

“GROWTH” Is the Number One Reason Why Candidates, In All Fields, Are Looking to Make a Change

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“GROWTH” is the number one reason why candidates, in all fields, are looking to make a change. We know growth means different things to different candidates. If feeling a sense of recognition through title and job promotions is important to the employee advisor, then attracting them to a smaller team/independent practice may pose its challenges.

More and more practice owners are realizing, in order to attract and retain top advisor talent they must have a pathway to partnership or equity in the practice. How would an employee advisor gain equity in your practice? If a candidate cannot get excited about shifting from their larger institution role to the practice when there is a pathway to partnership, then it may just be the wrong candidate!

The most ideal candidate may be the advisor that “always wanted to run their own practice” but didn’t have the career risk tolerance to take the chance earlier in their career so they went through the ranks as an employee advisor.

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